Authority for a Customs Clearance Agent
to act as a Direct representative IRL

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Target Transport Services Limited EORI No. IE 4505949T to act on behalf of the entity named at A above in the capacity of a Direct representative in accordance with Articles 18 and 19 of Regulation (EU) No. 952/2013. This authorisation is applicable to all consignments arriving or departing from the UK. This appointment applies with effect from the date of signature until revoked by the entity named at A above. The entity A named above authorises the customs agent named at B to delegate customs clearance to sub agents as a Direct Representative of the declarant in all dealings with Irish Customs where circumstances necessitate. The entity named in A authorises their representative, the customs agent named at B, to declare goods to Customs/ Revenue using:
In accordance with the Union Customs Code, a ‘Direct representative’ acts in the name of and on behalf of another person in relation to import/export declarations, the importer/exporter will be liable for any customs debt arising from the declaration.
(i) Name of person signing, who must have authority to sign on behalf of the importer or exporter. (ii) Legal name & EORI Trader Identification No. of importer or exporter. (iii) Legal name & EORI Trader Identification No. of representative or agent.